Friday, June 11, 2010

Welcome! First Order of Business

"Say NO to For-Profit & Proprietary Schools" is a blog dedicated to covering specific information about relevant subject matters on For-Profit and Proprietary Schools and Education. I strive to provide our blogging community and readers with the most accurate news.

My Purpose of creating this blog was to create a haven for those who has been served a big fat plate of injustice by these For Profit institutes. It is also a place for my thoughts on the subject matter. Welcome and please feel free to contact me.

So what is an For Profit school?

For-profit schools are educational institutions that are run by private, profit-seeking companies or organizations.

What is a Proprietary School?

Proprietary schools are for-profit colleges and universities. They are operated by their owners or investors, rather than a not-for-profit institution, religious organization, or government. Because they are not funded by tax monies, their long-term sustainability is dependent on the educational value provided.

Why do you Say No to For-Profit and Proprietary Schools?

Wikipedia said it best:

One problem with for-profit schools is that, being quite new, there have been few systematic examinations of them.

the fundamental purpose of an educational institution should be to educate, not to turn a profit. In 2000, Bob Chase, president of the National Education Association, stated: "Educating children is very different from producing a product."

Others claim that because for-profit schools have never been a mainstream idea, no complete blueprint for running a for-profit institution really exists, which could lead school administration to make costly errors. For example, in order to maximize profit, valuable services and activities are often eliminated. Extracurricular activities such as sports teams or volunteer clubs are left with little or no budgeting in order to keep costs low. This loss of non-academic activities might hurt a child's ability to enroll in some colleges or universities later on. The two largest EMOs in operation today, Edison and Advantage, claimed to have high school juniors completing college-level coursework, but recent studies have shown that many of these students are performing at or below the 11th-grade level.

Many for-profit institutions of higher education have national accreditation rather than regional accreditation. Regionally accredited schools are predominantly academically oriented, non-profit institutions. Nationally accredited schools are predominantly for-profit and offer vocational, career, or technical programs. Many regionally accredited schools will not accept transfer credits earned at a nationally accredited school.

Did you Know?

There are more than 3000 for profit colleges operating in the United States.

This is an incomplete list of for-profit institutions of higher education.

Many for-profit institutions are subsidiaries of larger parent companies, such as the Apollo Group, Career Education Corporation, Corinthian Colleges, Inc., and Laureate Education.


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